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Modifications, Family Law
Attorney Bonnie Adams profile image
Bonnie AdamsLicensed Legal Paraprofessional
Attorney Daniel Chandler profile image
Daniel ChandlerPartner & Director of Operations
Attorney Bonnie Adams profile image
Bonnie AdamsLicensed Legal ParaprofessionalFamily LawView profile
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To modify an alimony order, you must demonstrate a significant and ongoing change in circumstances since your divorce. A substantial change in income is crucial evidence. Financial documents like tax returns, pay stubs, and bank statements can support your request.

Modifying child support payments can be challenging but is possible under certain circumstances. 

To modify child support, you generally need to demonstrate a substantial and continuing change in circumstances, such as a significant change in income or the child’s needs. 

Consulting a knowledgeable attorney can help you understand what’s required of you, increasing your chances of success.

Decision-making authority is difficult to modify after divorce because it represents a fundamental aspect of parenting responsibilities. 

Modifying these arrangements requires a strong justification and substantial evidence to demonstrate that the change is in the child’s best interests. When the court is considering changing decision-making authority, they will often also consider the reasons for the request and the impact on both parents.

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