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question iconAt our church the pastors son had anal sex with our daughter when she was 16 and he was 21 or 22 years old. He was the youth pastor at the time. Our daughter finally told us when she was 18 years old. We brought it to the pastors attention but have not received any help for our daughter or us. I just want to see if this is something you can help us with. Please let me know. Thank you
answer icon

Yes, we can assist you. Our attorneys have extensive experience in sexual assault and unlawful sexual contact cases. Given the age of the parties involved, the consensual nature of the sexual relationship, and the youth pastor’s position of trust, these facts will be crucial in evaluating your case.

Liability may arise from the youth pastor’s position of trust with your daughter, which implies she cannot genuinely consent. Although you might have read that under Colorado law it is not unlawful for a 16-year-old to have a sexual relationship with an adult less than 10 years older, this is based on the premise of consent.

Please contact our office as soon as possible for a case assessment, so our attorneys can evaluate your daughter's case. We can be reached at (303) 688-0944. More contact options are available here. (As you daughter is the victim, please ask for a personal injury consultation.)

The foregoing information is general information only and should not be relied upon to take, or fail to take, legal action. No attorney-client relationship is formed by this information. __The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney.__
small picture of attorney bill henry
Bill Henry
Personal InjuryJul 10, 2024
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DisclaimerThe response posted is based upon the information made available and is not intended as a full and complete response to the question. The only manner to obtain complete and adequate legal advice is to consult with an attorney. No Q&A posting or other communication will be treated as confidential from this website and does not create an attorney-client relationship.
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