Hello, I recently moved out of a residency in Boulder Colorado with another roommate and her and I were on the lease. We each pay $980 in monthly rent and our final month was July. I had paid my July portion of the rent and provided proof to the landlords that, but my old roommate did not pay her $980 portion and has since stopped responding to messages. The landlord has us both on the hook for the unpaid balance, which is fine. Can the roommate still be held legally responsible for this separately? I intend to pay half of the unpaid balance but I don’t want to see her get off scot free because I’m now finding out she has a history of this behavior. What can I do?
Oct 8, 2021
Real Estate
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Bill HenryFounding Partner | 18 years of experience
It is possible that you could recover from your roommate by filing a suit in Small Claims Court.
Good luck on this unfortunately your story is a very familiar tale.
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