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Q&A: What is the Colorado Homeowners’ Bill of Rights? Colorado Real Estate Attorney Boyd Rolfson Answers

May 17, 2019
1’ read
Homeowners Association
Bill HenryFounding Partner | 19 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill HenryFounding Partner 19 years of experience

What is the Colorado Homeowners’ Bill of Rights?

Colorado’s homeowner bill of rights is a term that was given to a law that was enacted to help to define and an outline the role of the homeowners’ organization of what they can or can’t do – of any community organization. That could be homeowners association, a condo association, or townhome association. Basically, it laid out different policies that these associations are required to adopt. For example, policies on how to collect fines if there’s a breach of covenant that it has been enacted. There’s policies to collect on past two assessments, there’s even policies on giving the homeowners they power to see records – the public records that the homeowners association keeps. To file and have a specific dispute process to work out problems with the homeowners association. So it was basically a set of rights laid out that helped to protect and define the roles of both homeowners associations and homeowners. Now it has been amended several times since it was first enacted and really is been more defined on things that a homeowner’s association can and can’t do.

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