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Clarified Clients’ Land Rights Following Parcel Division

Oct 22, 2021
1’ read
Real Estate
Kayla A. BanzaliPartner | 9 years of experience
Kayla Banzali
Kayla Banzali
Kayla A. BanzaliPartner 9 years of experience

An easement is a type of property right that allows one party to use another’s property for a specific purpose. Private property owners often grant easements to government entities such as utilities and municipalities. However, individuals may also have easements to access the property of a neighbor.

The existence of an easement can burden the property owner and detract from the property’s market value. This means that easement issues often arise in connection with real estate transactions and boundary disputes.

Our clients lived on property that was originally 20 acres. However, it had subsequently been subdivided into two separate parcels, one 15 acres and the other five. Our clients, who were living on the five-acre parcel, retained us because their neighbors wanted to subdivide their 15-acre property.

Robinson & Henry's real estate attorneys conducted a thorough easement review. Afterward, they made our clients aware of their options for future actions concerning the property.