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Obtained Settlement for Victims of Home Improvement Scam

Apr 13, 2021
1’ read
Kayla A. BanzaliPartner | 9 years of experience
Kayla Banzali
Kayla Banzali
Kayla A. BanzaliPartner 9 years of experience

Contractor fraud is an increasingly common issue Colorado property owners need to be wary of when vetting home repair professionals for renovation or repair projects. These scammers often promise high-quality work but deliver low-quality work. Then they disappear with the homeowner’s money. 

In this case, our client paid a general contractor more than $20,000 for home improvement services that never happened. Our client tried to fire the contractor, demanding a refund, but the contractor had already disappeared. 

We recovered the funds, and then some, by suing the contractor. This enabled us to successfully negotiate a settlement for our client that exceeded the investment into their home improvement project.