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Easement Dispute Ends in Arbitration Victory

Feb 28, 2023
1’ read
Alex LowePartner | 20 years of experience
Alex Lowe
Alex Lowe
Alex LowePartner 20 years of experience

Neighbors can be great, but they can also be frustrating, especially when they violate community covenants and restrict your access to an easement. The good news is disputes such as this can often be resolved without going to court. 

In this case, our client was involved in a dispute with his neighbor about constructing improvements on a use easement area. The improvements were contrary to the Covenants and Conditions of the neighborhood. Our litigation attorneys were able to resolve the issue through arbitration.

Our client received an award that required the opposing party to remove all improvements from the easement area, restore the area to its original condition, and give our client access to it. Additionally, our client received an award for costs and attorney fees. Reaching a resolution without going to court saved our client time and money.