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Negotiated Affordable Medical Debt Settlement

Mar 8, 2024
1’ read
Joe Lico
Partner | 26 years of experience
Joe Lico
Joe Lico
Joe Lico
Partner 26 years of experience

Knowing how much money to set aside for a medical procedure isn’t an exact science. The final bill is influenced by which hospital system you use, the type of room you occupy, the equipment your care team uses, and so on.  

For our client, the bill for a 36-hour hospital stay was more than he could afford, and the hospital turned the unpaid bill over to a debt collection agency. The debt collection agency tacked on fees for their collection efforts, putting our client in an even deeper financial hole.

Our litigation attorneys were able to negotiate a settlement that cut the medical debt by two-thirds. Our client was able to breathe a sigh of relief with a pay-off amount they could afford.