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Mother Wins Sole Custody to Protect Child

Nov 24, 2021
1’ read
Family Law
Daniel ChandlerPartner & Director of Operations | 6 years of experience
Daniel Chandler
Daniel Chandler
Daniel ChandlerPartner & Director of Operations 6 years of experience

In child custody cases, courts prioritize the child's best interests. While joint custody is often favored, one parent's actions may require stricter measures. This was the case for our client, a mother seeking to protect her child from a father with a troubling history of criminal activity, substance abuse, domestic violence, and child abuse.

Our Family Law Team acted quickly, filing a motion to grant the mother sole decision-making authority. We presented clear evidence of the father's past behavior, including police reports and criminal records, showing the risk he posed to the child. The court agreed and awarded our client sole decision-making power. This allowed the mother to make all major decisions for the child's upbringing, education, and healthcare. 

The court allowed the father supervised visits to maintain some contact while ensuring the child's safety. We also pursued child support and secured an income assignment, guaranteeing our client financial support.

Our client can rest easy now knowing her child is safe and supported.