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Obtained Order to Recover $20,000 in Child Support

Apr 8, 2021
1’ read
Family Law
Marlana CarusoPartner | 16 years of experience
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Marlana CarusoPartner 16 years of experience

Unpaid child support poses significant financial challenges for custodial parents. Court-ordered child support is intended to help cover a child’s expenses. Without these payments, parents may have difficulty affording basic necessities, creating financial instability and overall uncertainty. 

Fortunately, there are legal enforcement remedies available to custodial parents. Our skilled family law attorneys help parents find the best option for their situation. 

We had a client who turned to Robinson & Henry seeking an enforcement order from the courts. Our client’s ex had fallen substantially behind on their child support payments, and it was causing undue hardship. We successfully obtained an income withholding order so our client could begin to recover more than $20,000 in unpaid child support.