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Secured Life Insurance Payout After Challenging Insurance Request

Apr 28, 2021
1’ read
Estate Planning & Elder Law
Robinson & Henry
Law Firm | 35 years of experience
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Robinson & Henry
Law Firm 35 years of experience

The weeks and months after a loved one passes away can be fraught with tying up loose ends on their behalf, including handling life insurance beneficiary claims. That was the case for this client, who came to Robinson & Henry's Estate Law Team concerned about an insurance company's practices.

Our client feared the insurance company's request for a HIPPA authorization was illegal and was done so in an effort to deny the claim due to possible preexisting conditions.

We collaborated with our client to provide a statement to the insurance company informing them why our client would not be providing HIPPA authorization. Our lawyers also worked with the client to ensure the claim form was accurate for submission.

As a result, our client received the full life insurance claim within a month of the insurance company receiving the documents from our firm.