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Shoplifting Teen’s Case Diverted to Redemptive Path

Jun 17, 2024
1’ read
Criminal Defense
Ryan Robertson
Partner | 12 years of experience
Portrait of Attorney Ryan Robertson
Portrait of Attorney Ryan Robertson
Ryan Robertson
Partner 12 years of experience

One in four teenagers admit to shoplifting, even though they know it can ruin their lives. Retail stores that see a lot of teenage foot traffic understand this risk. Unfortunately for teenagers – and their parents – corporations are more likely to take legal action against minors. 

Our juvenile client learned this lesson the hard way after getting caught shoplifting at the retail giant Sephora. The teen faced juvenile theft charges in municipal court. Her parents hired Robinson & Henry's Criminal Defense team to defend her against potential civil action for retail theft.

Through negotiations, we diverted her case to a special teen court where our client could be judged by peers instead. Teen court gave our client the chance to turn a bad decision into a valuable lesson.