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Charged Juvenile Diverted to Volunteer Program

Mar 7, 2023
1’ read
Criminal Defense
Andrew Hug
Partner | 23 years of experience
Andrew Hug
Andrew Hug
Andrew Hug
Partner 23 years of experience

Children sometimes make mistakes that lead to criminal charges. In these cases, parents should find criminal defense lawyers who understand and can defend young people.

A mother came to our Criminal Defense Team for help. Her child faced a misdemeanor harassment charge after an incident at school. Our criminal defense lawyers worked out a special agreement before the trial called a pre-trial diversion program. It allowed the child to avoid court and a criminal record.  

The agreement called for the child to complete certain requirements such as volunteering, an approach that often works well for young people facing legal trouble.

In the end, all charges were dropped against our young client, and they were able to avoid serious consequences.