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Felony Domestic Assault Charges Dismissed Against Client

Jan 29, 2025
1’ read
Criminal Defense
Harvey SkeesPartner | 27 years of experience
Harvey SkeesPartner 27 years of experience

When law enforcement responds to an alleged domestic violence incident, the officer must make an arrest if there is probable cause that a crime was committed. C.R.S. 18-6-803.3

Determining who is the primary aggressor is especially challenging for the responding officer if both parties give conflicting accounts of what happened. 

In this case, our client was the one who was arrested, and her boyfriend received a mandatory protective order. C.R.S. 18-1-1001

Our client faced felony charges that could result in prison time if convicted. C.R.S. 18-3-203 Recognizing the severity of her situation, she contacted Robinson & Henry’s Criminal Defense Team after being released on a supervised bond. Our client insisted evidence from the incident would prove that law enforcement arrested the wrong person.

When our attorney appeared in court on behalf of our client to learn more about the charges against her, the prosecutor declined to proceed with the case. Prosecutors may reject the charges of a case for a number of reasons, including if there is doubt about the defendant’s guilt. 

As a result, the judge dismissed the case and removed the protective order, swiftly ending what could have devolved into a lengthy court battle.