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Bankruptcy Team Rebuilds Father’s Future

Jan 4, 2024
1’ read
Elizabeth GermanPartner | 16 years of experience
web sized portrait of Liz German
web sized portrait of Liz German
Elizabeth GermanPartner 16 years of experience

Our client was buried in debt after a tough divorce and job loss. He found hope and financial stability through Chapter 13 bankruptcy. However, life threw him another curveball. When our client lost his job again, he temporarily fell behind on his bankruptcy repayment plan. 

This type of hiccup calls for the invaluable guidance of an experienced bankruptcy attorney. Our Bankruptcy Team worked with the court to modify our client’s repayment plan and get him back on track.

Now, our client is set to receive his discharge. He has resolved some child support issues and avoided having his wages garnished. The father is on the road to building a brighter financial future, free from the burden of overwhelming debt.