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Colorado Springs Tax Attorney

Nov 5, 2018
2’ read
Failing to file your tax returns
Bill Henry
Founding Partner | 18 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill Henry
Founding Partner 18 years of experience
Picture of someone getting their tax information ready for their Colorado Springs tax lawyer

Don’t sweat over taxes. Our Colorado Springs tax attorneys offer help on a variety of tax issues – from tax filing, to business-smart tax options and tax debt resolution – we are here to advise you, so you save money and live a more stress-free life.

Unlike our non-attorney competitors, our attorneys are trained not only in compliance, but also to take aggressive action against the IRS when they overstep and unethically collect taxes when the statute of limitations has run out. Just because the IRS says you owe them money, doesn’t mean you always actually do! We have worked on many cases where the IRS was attempting to collect taxes unlawfully – and we have fought and won many of these cases.

Read on to discover educational resources on various tax topics, as well as learn about tax attorneys near you.

Tax Penalties and Solutions

Penalties. To demonstrate just how serious the IRS is about collecting taxes, one must look no further than the staggering amount of penalties the IRS can use against tax procrastinators and avoiders. There are roughly over 150 different civil penalties associated with taxes – whether that is filing late, not paying taxes owed or sending in an incorrect tax return. ​​

Solutions. ​The IRS knows tax errors and mishaps happen – that is why they have the following array of tax debt solutions to choose from:

  • ​Installment agreements
  • Offers In Compromise
  • Innocent Spouse Relief
  • Separation of Liability Relief
  • Extensions
  • Bankruptcy
  • Filing for Not Currently Collectable

Click here to find out what to do if you
failed to file your tax return.

Educational Resources

In upholding our mission to be a proactive law firm, providing free educational material to help our communities live better lives, please check out our free informational downloads.

Free Tax Legal Guides:

Other important resources:

  • ​​Is your tax debt more than 5 years old? Then read this.
  • Thinking about being a property investor? Then read this.
  • Is your Ex claiming your dependent? Then read this.
  • Tax attorney versus debt resolution firms – read the pros and cons here.
  • In the military or hold a federal job? Read how tax debt affects security clearances here.

Get Help From An Attorney

If you have a question about the above content or need help with your taxes, please call us at 303-688-0944 to schedule a free, 30-minute consultation with a member of our Tax Team.