Taxes don’t have to be such a headache-inducing activity. To combat the usual feelings of existential dread amid a tax crisis, the well-prepared and informed taxpayer knows what their local resources are. Whether your tax problem is related to filing, unpaid tax debts, or a surprise letter from the IRS, Colorado taxpayers can utilize local resources, whether they be state, federal, or private for help. Read on to discover what these resources are and how they can help relieve you of that impending tax-headache.
Our tax attorneys are here to help when you are ready. Contact us for an assessment at 303-688-0944 or schedule an appointment online.
For Colorado taxpayers, it is important to know the various IRS offices and tax courts in and around Denver. Places such as the Denver IRS Tax Office and the Colorado Department of Taxation offer a variety of helpful information for taxpayers on federal and state tax rules and regulations, respectively. These offices and their websites provide virtual information and answer questions on sales tax and income tax, as well as allow Coloradans to make an appointment with a local IRS agent if you’d prefer to talk with a live person.
For Colorado taxpayers looking to dispute a federal tax law matter, who perhaps have received an unexpected Notice of Delinquency from the IRS, will probably be visiting the Byron G. Rogers U.S. Courthouse. Jump to the next section to learn more about this courthouse and educate yourself on how best to prep for your Colorado tax court case.
Denver Location: 1999 Broadway, Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 446-1675
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Colorado Springs Location: 2864 S. Circle Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80906
Phone: (719) 226-3300
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Denver and Colorado Springs IRS offices are a local branch of the federal Internal Revenue Service. They offer face-to-face assistance on federal tax matters. You can come here to set up a payment plan if you have tax debt, get tax transcripts, check on your refund, file your federal tax return, and discuss any tax related questions. You must book an appointment, as they do not accept walk-ins. Multilingual assistance is also available at these locations. Additionally, the IRS website contains useful information, forms, and services. From the site, you can file your federal taxes online (if your income doesn’t exceed $64,000), fix a mistake on your tax return, check on the status of a refund, get tax transcripts, use their tax withholding calculator, or utilize their interactive tax assistant to answer any tax related questions.
Phone: (303) 205-8411
Hours: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
The Division of Taxation at the Colorado Department of Revenue handles the collection and enforcement of state taxes in Colorado. Additionally, it serves to educate and be a resource for tax inquiries for Colorado residents. From their website, a taxpayer can find information related to taxes, tax forms, and through their tax account they can file their state taxes, track their refund, and pay off tax debt. The comprehensive site also has a section dedicated toward education where taxpayers and local businesses can watch videos, sign up for a free Colorado sales tax class, research tax policies, and receive email updates on tax news.
Serves as District Court, as well as a Court of Appeals. As a tax court, a taxpayer would come here to dispute a tax deficiency before paying on the alleged amount. Additionally, the court’s jurisdiction also includes “the authority to redetermine transferee liability, make certain types of declaratory judgments, adjust partnership items, order abatement of interest, award administrative and litigation costs, redetermine worker classification, determine relief from joint and several liability on a joint return, review certain collection actions, and review awards to whistleblowers who provide information to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue on or after Dec. 20, 2006.”
The tax court is composed of 19 senior and special trial judges who are presidentially nominated. All judges are experts in tax law, whose aim is to make sure that “taxpayers are assessed only what they owe, and no more.” All the judges travel to various tax courts, including the Byron G. Rogers Courthouse. Some of the judges who may preside over a Colorado tax court case are:
Tax court judges come from very diverse backgrounds – some come from the private sector, where they have successfully worked as a tax attorney, others come from more of a governmental background where they clerked for another judge or worked for the IRS, many even have a mix of both private and public sector experience. It’s important to know the background of your judge – they alone make a decision on your case. According to Senior Judge Mary Cohen, only 10 percent of tax cases are benched decisions (meaning cases where the law is clear) – otherwise, they issue an opinion report based on submission of briefs from each party. An upside to hiring a local Colorado attorney is that they often know the personality and temperament of each judge and know how best to frame arguments around those factors.
The image shown above comes from the Taxpayer Advocate Service, an independent office within the IRS. This study from 2013 shows the most litigated issues for U.S. taxpayers, whether or not they were represented, and the success rate of the cases within the period of study. Taxpayers who decided to represent themselves in court, forgoing legal representation (also referred to as Pro Se), were less likely to win their case in all instances. The table shows that on average a Pro Se taxpayer had a 90%chance of failure in court. In contrast, those with legal representation from a specialist tax attorney were on average two-and-a-half times more likely to win their cases, and on certain issues (such as Passive Activity) legal representation improved the chances of success by up to six times that of Pro Se.
It is possible to win a tax court case on your own, but the statistics are not in your favor. Just like doctors would tell you that browsing WebMD doesn’t make someone capable of diagnosing symptoms on their own – the same logic applies to law. Law is much more than adhering to rules and doling out punishment. It is organic – constantly changing and rewriting itself as new case decisions change existing law and become the precedent. If you’re someone who would rather not take the gamble, then read on to the next section on how you can find the proper attorney for your case and your budget.
Hiring an attorney can seem like an intimidating process. Prospective clients may feel crushed under the impending tide of questions such as – how much money can I afford to pay?; what kind of personality do I want in my lawyer?; what experience and educational background is needed for my case? While it is natural to be overwhelmed by the task at hand, hiring a tax attorney is a worthy investment. The right attorney will know the personality and unique procedures of each local court, act on your behalf, work with the IRS so you don’t have to, know the current case laws to get the best outcome for your case, and end up saving you money by getting a better deal with the IRS.
When beginning your search for a lawyer, it is relatively easy to start from the comfort of your own home. Internet sites like allow potential clients to vet attorneys. Here you can make sure they are properly licensed to practice law and see if any disciplinary records are present, for say, failing to meet any professional obligations. Sites like and are useful to see client reviews and find local lawyers who are nominated by their professional peers.
While peer reviews can give insight into how an attorney’s acolytes view them professionally, these are opinion-based reviews and are sometimes done to curry favor between lawyers. That does not mean you should write-off peer reviews, but a good researcher should weigh these reviews against more objective forms information – such as the information located in an attorney’s bios. Look for the attorney’s professional awards, publications, public speaking engagements, bar admissions, community outreach, and client reviews. All of this can provide pertinent information on a lawyer’s credibility and their thought leadership within their field.
Once you’ve found a few potential lawyers, go ahead and book a few consultations. Think of your first meeting as an interview. Remember, you’re hiring them. Here are some important things to look for during the initial meeting:
Practice Areas: Corporate, Tax law and M&A
Office Locations: Castle Rock
Bill Henry is the managing partner at Robinson & Henry, leading the firm’s business and tax practice at the Castle Rock office. Bill began his law career in Washington D.C. However, in 2008, Bill left the East Coast and moved with his family to Colorado. There he joined with longtime Denver-area attorney Mike Robinson and together formed the firm Robinson & Henry.
As someone who is on the leading edge of his profession, Bill’s firm hosts many speaking events on tax topics for both businesses and individuals – the latest event being “Taxes Under Trump.” Bill’s innovative perspective coupled with an exhaustive legal acumen and persuasive manner make him an excellent attorney. Whether a client’s problem is tax related, a business or corporate matter, he is well versed in all aspects of tax and business law.