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What’s a Property Disclosure Form?

Nov 12, 2020
2’ read
Bill HenryFounding Partner | 19 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill HenryFounding Partner 19 years of experience

If you are selling your home, you’ll want to know how to fill out a disclosure form for your property the right way. This can save you in the future.

Civil Litigation Attorney Kayla Banzali briefly explains how to properly fill out a property disclosure form.

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Hi, my name is Kayla Banzali. I’m a real estate attorney at Robinson & Henry, and today I wanted to take a moment to talk to you about seller’s property disclosures. In a real estate transaction, a seller is required to disclose any known blatant defects, and the Seller’s Property Disclosure Form is a form that was drafted by the Real Estate Commission and it’s very common, and should be used in real estate transactions to give a seller an opportunity to do that.

The form’s pretty lengthy. It’s eight pages where it goes through many different areas where there might be potential issues for a property. And then so the Seller’s Disclosure Form just gives the seller a very detailed opportunity for things that maybe you wouldn’t think about when you’re just casually thinking about your property.

Get Connected

For any questions on how to properly fill out the Seller’s Disclosure Form or what needs to be disclosed in a real estate transaction, please feel free to give us a call at 303-688-0944. You can also click here to schedule online.