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Q&A: What are the most common reasons for litigation in Highlands Ranch? Colorado Real Estate Attorney Boyd Rolfson Answers

May 17, 2019
1’ read
Homeowners Association
Bill HenryFounding Partner | 19 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill HenryFounding Partner 19 years of experience

What are the most common reasons for litigation in Highlands Ranch?

The most common cases of litigation here in Highlands Ranch, and this area, is generally small disputes that deal with breach of some sort of contract. Most of them deal with the homeowner that has a breach of contract by a construction company or the other way around; Perhaps I have a contractor who comes in who has done the work, and the homeowner has not paid the contractor. And so this all boils down to a basic breach of contract. Also, between neighbors. Perhaps there’s a dispute between a property line between neighbors or between a homeowner and their homeowners’ association. Those are kind of the most common litigation cases that we get.

Call us today at (720) 815-7369 to schedule your case assessment with one of Robinson & Henry’s Real Estate Attorneys.

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