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Robinson & Henry Helps Client Recover Damages After Painful Ear Injury

Dec 19, 2023
2’ read
Personal Injury & Car Accidents
Bill Henry
Founding Partner | 18 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill Henry
Founding Partner 18 years of experience

Robinson & Henry Client Lara suffered a painful ear injury after a mishap with custom ear protection at a firearms conference. The road to healing included surgery and numerous doctor appointments. Lara worked with the firm’s Personal Injury Team to recover the money she lost to the unexpected medical bills. 

Grateful for the firm’s help and support, Lara sat down with R&H Marketing to discuss the outcome of her case and what it was like to work with R&H Personal Injury Partner Jon Topolewski and Senior Associate Matthew Hamblin.

Past results afford no guarantee of future results; each matter is different and must be judged on its own merits. Facts are those of an actual Robinson & Henry case. We used only our client’s first name to protect her privacy.

At the A Girl & A Gun National Conference, R&H Client Lara expected to enhance her skills, spend time with like minded women, and browse the latest firearms merchandise. What she did not anticipate was to leave with a serious injury. 

While shopping at the conference’s vendors, Lara came upon one that specializes in creating custom ear protection. Many gun enthusiasts prefer molded earplugs to bulkier over-the-ear options, and Lara decided to spring for a pair.

The fitting process for the custom pieces seemed simple enough, but something went wrong during Lara’s. 

“It was very painful and shot down my neck like nothing I had felt before. Something wasn’t right,” Lara recalled. 

She ended up back at the booth where the vendor discovered a piece of silicone from the mold was lodged in her ear canal.

The vendor attempted to remove it, but it was too painful for Lara to bear. 

“It was excruciating. And I feel like I have a pretty high tolerance for pain,” she said.

When medical professionals were unable to remove the lodged silicone, they determined Lara needed surgery. 

Surgery was successful, but Lara was suffering ear loss. Neither she nor her care team knew if she would ever hear as she once did.

“I didn’t know the full extent of it because there was so much trauma in my ear,” Lara explained. “I just felt like I had a permanent earplug in it, and I had lost about 30 decibels worth of hearing.”

By this time, Lara had racked up considerable medical expenses. A family friend, who happens to be an attorney, recommended Lara reach out to Robinson & Henry to explore her legal options. 

R&H’s Personal Injury Attorneys John Topolewski and Matt Hamblin investigated the case. They determined the vendor had been negligent during the fitting process. 

“This was a very unfortunate situation that caused our client a great deal of pain and suffering,” said John Topolewski. “We were able to work with the vendor’s insurance company to obtain a fair settlement for our client, which will help compensate for her medical expenses and other losses.”

“I [am] so grateful. I went into the process just hoping to have my medical bills reimbursed, so to have what came above my medical bills was just amazing. I’m very appreciative. I would definitely and highly recommend Robinson & Henry.”

What’s more, Lara felt supported and heard through the emotionally difficult process.

“They were kind. They were very compassionate about it,” she said. “They apologized, ‘I’m so sorry this happened to you.’ I didn’t get that from the vendor at the conference.”

Robinson & Henry is a leading personal injury law firm in Colorado with a history of successfully helping injured clients obtain the compensation they deserve. If you have been injured due to someone else’s negligence, please contact Robinson & Henry today for a consultation. Call 303-688-0944 to begin your case assessment.

Past results afford no guarantee of future results. Each matter is different and must be judged on its own merits. Facts are those of an actual Robinson & Henry personal injury case.