If you’ve fallen behind on your HOA payments, you’ve probably racked up some late fees, too. It’s possible that you can settle HOA late fees.
Attorney Boyd Rolfson has some helpful tips about this in the following video.
Reach out to one of our HOA litigation attorneys. Set up a meeting here or call the office at (720) 767-3127.
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I’d like to share a tip with you to help you negotiate with your homeowners’ association when you owe a large amount of money to them. This has been helpful for some of my clients. I’m an attorney with Robinson and Henry PC, and my name is Boyd Rolfson. And this tip has been helpful to many of my clients, who have had this dispute, and are trying to negotiate with their homeowners’ association.
First of all, as a homeowner, you have the right to request an accounting from the homeowners’ association of everything that is owed, and everything that has been paid back to the last time that there was no debt, or no balance owed to the association.
So, request that accounting, it’s called a ledger. That’s what the homeowners’ association or their management company will call it a ledger, request that from them. And then, once you get that ledger, you can look at the line item amounts that are on that ledger.
And it, generally, identifies them, especially those that are late fees and interest, and those have typically added up over time, and are a good portion of that balance that you owe.
Oftentimes, those fees and interest are soft costs to the association, and if you add them up the association may be willing to waive those soft costs, since they’re not coming out of their pocket directly. And you can ask them to waive those soft costs, or that can be a point to try and negotiate the balance down with your HOA, so that you can get them paid off and get back in good standing with your HOA.
Set up a meeting here or call the office at (720) 767-3127.
Robinson & Henry, P.C. now offers video conferences for your peace of mind and convenience.