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How to Talk to Kids About Divorce: Conversation Guide

Jul 25, 2023
2’ read
Robinson & Henry
Law Firm | 35 years of experience
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Robinson & Henry
Law Firm 35 years of experience

Children look to their parents for security, and divorce inevitably shifts the family foundation a child has come to rely on. That’s why it’s important to ensure they understand they will continue to be loved and cared for as they always have – even if their parents no longer live under the same roof.

Understanding how to talk to kids about divorce can lay the groundwork for a healthy new start for the whole family. Below are a few tips that will help you begin this difficult conversation.

Parents talk with their daughter about a serious topic.

Develop a Strategy Ahead of Time

Children are remarkably perceptive. They probably have noticed tension between you and your partner. However, talking to your kids about divorce should be a conversation that is done with intention.

Even though it may be tough, shelve the problems you and your spouse have long enough for the two of you to figure out how to break this life-changing news to your kids.

You’ll also want to consider how you’ll answer their questions and how much information you feel is appropriate to share with them.

Pick the Right Time

Your children will need some time to process the news of the divorce. So it’s best to tell them when they have a day or two to make sense of the situation. Avoid holidays, special days like birthdays, and school nights. Weekends can be a good time.

Tell Them Together

As long as it is safe, you and your partner should talk to your child(ren) about the break-up as a unit. This can be helpful to them in numerous ways. For one, it will reassure them that no matter what changes, the two of you will always be their parents. It also allows them to ask questions about your decision to divorce.

Be Honest and Age-Appropriate

What you tell your children depends on various factors. For instance, teens and pre-teens typically understand more than young children. Likewise, the conversation may be a little different for a child or teen who has an intellectual disability.

Teens may ask for more details and want to know how this change will affect their lives. Younger children will likely need extra affection and reassurance that you both still love them.

Make Sure They Know It’s Not Their Fault

Fault may come up during the initial divorce conversation, or your child might bring it up later. Either way, children must know that they did absolutely nothing to contribute to the breakup. Reinforce that the decision to separate was not because of them but due to adult problems.

Prepare Them for What’s Ahead

Kids thrive on routine, so it’s important to tell them what’s changing and what will remain the same.

They may be eager to know who they’ll live with, if they have to change schools, and whether they can continue to participate in extracurricular activities.

You probably won’t have the answers to all their questions. What you can do, though, is point out what will not change. For example, if you know that you will still pick them up from school, tell them.

Support and Validate Them

Keep an open door for questions and conversations, but don’t push them beyond their comfort zone. Let them know their emotional response is natural, and help them find ways to work through it.

Talk to a Family Law Attorney About Your Divorce with Kids

I hope these tips have helped answer your questions regarding how to talk to kids about divorce. If you’re a parent considering divorce, I strongly encourage you to get a family law attorney. They’ll help you safeguard your parental rights and ensure you get your parenting plan and custody agreement right the first time. Call 303-688-0944 to set up a case assessment.