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True or False? A Last Will & Testament Covers End of Life Care

May 5, 2020
2’ read
Estate Planning & Elder Law
Bill Henry
Founding Partner | 18 years of experience
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Profile Picture of Attorney Bill Henry
Bill Henry
Founding Partner 18 years of experience

Do you know the difference between a living will and a last will and testament? These estate planning documents are often confused for one another.

Estate planning attorney Bill Henry discusses the difference between a living will and a last will and testament in this short video.

Do You Have A Living Will? 

If you need a living will or other estate plans, reach out to our estate planning team for a free meeting. You can also call our office at 303-688-0944.

Today we’re talking about how a last will will not keep you off a feeding tube if you can’t make your own decisions. My name’s Bill Henry, I’m an estate planning attorney for Robinson and Henry.

So, if let’s say you are in a end of life situation, and the one thing you don’t wanna be on is a feeding tube. The question becomes, well, how do you tell the doctors that you don’t want that type of a treatment? It is not your last will. It is more commonly known as a living will, but those two documents are completely different, they bear no resemblance to each other at all.

What’s a Living Will?

So a living will, or called in Colorado, an advance directive for medical and surgical treatment, that’s the document you’re gonna use to tell the doctors that you don’t wanna be place on a feeding tube. The living will, or that advance directive, is used during your life.

What’s a Last Will & Testament?

On the other hand, your last will is used after you die. And that last will is used to tell where you want your property to go to.

I’m Bill Henry, estate planning attorney for Robinson and Henry.

Schedule a Meeting

If you need a living will or other estate plans, reach out to our estate planning team for a free meeting. You can also call our office at 303-688-0944.