There are a lot of unknowns about the coronavirus (COVID-19), including what kind of economic destruction it will leave in its wake. Small businesses will undoubtedly feel the effects of this global pandemic. While some small businesses will manage to pull through, others will be forced to consider other options, such as bankruptcy.
While most people think Chapter 7 is for individuals, businesses can file Chapter 7 if an attorney files it for them, but the business will be shut down.
Chapter 13 allows a small business owner to retain the company and pay back their debt through a payment plan.
So what’s left? Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Simply put, Chapter 11 allows an individual or company time to come up with a plan to reorganize their finances so they can pay back their debts. Chapter 11 is the most complex and expensive of the three bankruptcies, and under Chapter 11 creditors decide whether to accept a company’s reorganization plan.
Most small businesses have not found success filing Chapter 11.
Until now…
The Small Business Reorganization Act of 2019 (SBRA) puts this debt relief option in reach for small business owners. In fact, the SBRA took effect just last month, February 2020.
The SBRA streamlines the rules that oversee a small business’ attempt to reorganize under Chapter 11.
If you have questions about how Chapter 11 may benefit your small business, feel free to reach out. We hope your business endures during this unprecedented time, but if it faces hardship, we’re here for you. Call 303-688-0944 or schedule online some time to talk with one of our debt relief attorneys.